MMB Management recently hosted a customer service training session for the Philadelphia Police Department on November 6, 2017.
The Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) has partnered with MBB Management and together they are working on improving the quality of the department’s customer service. The focus of the training according to MBB Management was “to enhance the customer service skills at each department’s district ‘window’ in order to be nationally recognized as the leader in pioneering a customer service revolution in law enforcement.”
As the nation’s fourth largest police department with over 6300 sworn members and 800 civilian members in 21 different districts across the over 140 square miles of Philadelphia County, law enforcement training can be very complex, especially considering the myriad of issues they have to handle from neighborhood complaints to crimes and suspected terrorism to civil unrest.
The training session conducted by MBB Management emphasized the need to immediately acknowledge the customer and to treat him or her with respect. And to recognize their right to an informed decision and subsequent action from the police department.
During the session they also discussed the importance of taking personal accountability for your actions and not getting defensive when there are complaints. One of the recommendations for encouraging more open communication with city residents was to hang the captain’s photo with contact information in each district’s window.
The MBB Management consultants also gave the officers tools on different strategies like Steps of Service, L.A.S.T. which stands for Listen, Acknowledgement, Solve, Thank, and the 3R’s – Respect, Reliability and Reassurance to use when dealing with customers on the phone and lead them in role play situations to put those strategies into action.
MBB Management understands the complexity of law enforcement training and is committed to working with the Philadelphia Police Department on better preparing their officers and staff to deal effectively with residents’ needs.
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