What Does a Hotel Consultant Do? - MBB Management

What Does a Hotel Consultant Do?

hotel consultant

Do you want to work in hospitality but don’t want to be the face of a hotel or resort? If that’s the case, you can be a hotel consultant!

Hotel consultants do a lot for the hotels that they work with. They are completely necessary for getting hotels the success that they have and are the complete backbone of the company. If you don’t know much about what a hotel consultant does for a hotel, let’s take a look at the responsibilities that they have.

What Is a Hotel Consultant?

Hotel consultants, also known as hospitality consultants, are the people that hotel companies go to for direction, advice, and problem-solving. Hospitality consultants are generalized consultants that help with hotels, resorts, and other hospitality businesses.

Just like how shows and movies have groups of people behind the scenes making everything run the way it is supposed to, hotel consultants work to make sure that everything in the hotel works correctly. However, this isn’t about repairs and maintenance the hotel needs, it is making sure that marketing is getting to the right audience, that the hotel is making enough money, making sure customers are satisfied with their stay, and much more. 

When first starting, many hospitality consultants think of their job as easy. However, they shortly find out that there is much work in making a hotel thrive and that they are the people responsible for getting the hotel the success it needs.

What Responsibilities do Hotel Consultants Have?

Hotel consultants have a ton of responsibilities that must be carried out daily or at least frequently.

Coming Up with Goals

Each company, hotel or not, should have a set of goals that they would like to achieve. These goals can be about reaching a certain revenue, having X number of rooms booked at a time, or reaching an X% of increase in population during the holidays.

As a hotel consultant, you will be working with your clients to discuss what are their goals and which goals will be reasonable in certain circumstances. If your client has a specific request of what they want to see from the hotel, it will be your responsibility to make it into an achievable goal.

Create a Strategy for Each Goal

Your job doesn’t end with helping your client know what they want. Once you know what goals are in place for the hotel, you need to create a strategy for achieving those goals.

Creating a strategy means coming up with a way to get more attention, money, or anything else to the hotel. If your client has a goal of increasing how many people are at the hotel at a given time, your strategy may include increasing marketing using social media ads or encouraging different events to come to your hotel.

Financial Management

As a hotel consultant, you will also be in charge of the financial management of the hotel. Whenever there is a new project, there is also a budget for that project. It is a hotel consultant’s responsibility to come up with an appropriate budget and make sure that the budget is stuck to throughout the process.

Hotel consultants oversee the financial decisions that are made within the hotel company. You’ll know when payments from the company occur for repairs, new facilities, and any other purchase that the hotel needs to make.

Financial reports will also have to be made regularly and a hotel consultant needs to create those. Bookkeeping will also be a required responsibility for hotel consultants. If you are considering becoming a hotel consultant, education in accounting is very helpful.

Marketing Management

Another huge aspect of hotel management is marketing. That is how hotels get their name known by the public and is what brings in the money. Having a strong marketing plan is key to having a successful hotel.

When in charge of marketing, a hotel consultant is in charge of the ads that go out including ads on television, social media, printed brochures, billboards, and more. Knowing what advertisements need to go where makes sure that the most attention is received.

Marketing management can also include taking charge of the events held in the hotel. If the hotel is supporting a nearby festival, business trip, or concert, that is a lot of people that will bring revenue to the company.

Problem Solving

When there is a problem, the hotel consultant must come up with a way to handle it. Whether the problem is that facilities and technology are breaking and need to get repaired or that there is a sudden drop in revenue, hotel consultants are the ones first called to come up with a way to solve whatever problem is happening.

Information Technology

There is a lot of technology that goes into a hotel. Systems have to always be running so customers can be checked in, payments can go through, and information stays secure.

Hotel consultants help make sure that the technology in the building stays running smoothly and is updated when need be. You may not be the one doing the repairs when something wrong with the technology happens, but you will be the one hiring someone who can.

Always Looking for Ways to Improve

Most importantly, hotel consultants must always look for ways to improve the hotel. You must keep an open mind and look for ways to bring more attention, money, and customers to your client. Hotel consultants that are always looking for improvements will find more opportunities to draw attention to the hotel and bring them closer to the client’s goals.

Hotel Consultants Are the Strongest Part of a Hotel

Without hotel consultants, many hotels across the world would struggle to reach their goals and avoid challenges. It is always good to have different minds working on the same goal as that means more interesting ideas or more necessary solutions.

Hotel consultants are always needed. A hotel can’t reach the same levels of success without the aid of a hotel consultant.

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